Online Registration Application Form

Please ensure you have your Public Liability “Certificate of Currency” and Food Registration Certificates as required, ready to be uploaded with the Form.
Preferrred format is PDF.
NOTE:- The Form has a 1mb file size limit and maximum of 2 files.
If you use a photo (jpg) from a camera it may need to be resized.

You MUST have public liability and
if you sell food of any type you MUST have a Food Certificate from Mildura City Council.

If you have any issues or questions about this Form, please contact us.

Online Registration Application Form


You MUST Have Public Liability and are required to upload a copy when completing the Form.

If you sell food of any type you MUST have a Food Certificate from Mildura City Council.

Preferred format is PDF or Doc/Docx.

If you have any issues or questions about this Form, please contact us.

PDF Downloads

Registration Application

Application Form

Stallholders information pack

Information Pack